Monday, March 23, 2015

Once talking about Cambodian traditional dance, one can imagine many type of dancing. But the most prominent dance would be "Rom Vong". This type of dance is easy slow, easy to follow and learn, and thus become the most popular type of dancing in all Cambodian ceremony like party, wedding reception, new year celebration or even birthday party.

"Rom Vong" in Khmer means dance on the circle, which refer to the group/team of dancers dance in circle. The most common form of practice is to have a round table filled with fruit in the center while people are dancing around.

Little written evidence has shown the history of "Rom Vong", but it is believe this dance was date centuries ago since current existent of Khmer minority groups living far North and Northeast of the country still have some relevant to the dance. This association can be found in form of Circle activities done by the minority such as Phnong, Krerng, Tompon, Prov, etc....

The dance was also call "Rom Vong Phom Thmey" by the minority groups, which means Dance in the New Village. This dance was practiced when the group moved from one place to another in order to find a good living with enough food, water and avoidance of flood. Every time they moved and found a new place to settle down, people in the village started this dance to welcome their new land and they believed this would bring them peace and happiness in their new village.

Later on, since the dance was adopted wisely among people, they begin to use it all forms of traditional ceremony, not only to have fun in group, but also to believe this will bring them happiness and property among their people.