Tuesday, October 13, 2015

In the Trimurti it is Shiva who, plus than than Brahma at his right and Vishnou at his left, has to be considered as the unqualified idea god, of whom the others are but the emanation and extra. Sometimes he is the enjoyable destroyer, the genie of the tempest and of destructive forces - even though more so in India than in Cambodia, where he is rarely presented in a bad light - even though elsewhere as the protector he is benevolent, the god who conceives and creates. He is in addition to the first of the ascetics, going naked to rub himself in the cinders of a dung flare, perky on organization and practising meditation - the source of perfection. In his human form he usually has a single position taking into consideration a third eye placed vertically in the center of the forehead and his hair raised in a chignon, showing a crescent - but he sometimes next has mixture heads. His arms likewise revise in number, his principal attribute is the trident and his torso is crossed subsequent to the Brahmanic cord. He determines destiny previously his dance - the frenetic rhythm of the tandava. His sakti or feminine vigor can moreover herself be sweet or ferocious - sweet she is Parvati, the goddess of the Earth, or Uma, the Gracious, whom one can often melody sitting concerning Shivas knee taking into account than he is throned concerning mount Kailasa or riding his adequate mount, Nandin the sacred bull - ferocious, she is Durga the Aggressor who, behind her lion, overcomes the demon buffalo. The cult of Shiva is no less reserved - particularly in its figurative representation, the creative faculty expressed by the linga - even if there is no particular marginal note to dwell about the phallic flora and fauna of this image which, for the oriental vigor, goes in the estrange gone again questions of human sexuality. The linga is formed in a cylinder of deliberately polished stone, subsequent to rounded corners at its peak, rising from a base that is first octagonal in section and subsequently square. It represents, according to the legend, the sheath of Vishnou (octagonal), and subsequently of Brahma (square), protecting the earth from relationships taking into consideration the sacred pillar which, descending from the space as a column of fire, would aspiration itself into the soil. Only the cylindrical section projects from the pedestal. This is covered taking into account a channelled stone (snanadroni) that has a projecting beak forming a gully that is always orientated to the north.